[Review] Henry Akins – The Back System Training Series
The Back System and all other jiujitsu training modules are available for purchase at hiddenjiujitsu.com.
Review Summary
Product Name:
Henry Akins’ – The Back System
Product Type:
BJJ Instructional Videos. Instant Access Membership Site.
This Back System is all that you’ll need to increase your submission rate, increase your back escapes, and keep your opponent from escaping your control.
Henry Akins Hidden Jiujitsu – The back system is a twenty-seven video training module, available for purchase at hiddenjiujitsu.com. From white to black belt, increase your escape frequency, while reducing the amount of time it takes to escape. Learn exactly what to do from the back and when to do it.Increase your back control ability and finish submissions from the back with higher frequency.Core jiujitsu concepts like pressure, connection, angles, timing and leverage are all covered inside this training series.
Ever get to the back but feel like going for the finish will jeopardize your control of the position?
Every wonder why Kron’s opponents tap so damn FAST when he gets their back!?! Kron knows the family secret and Henry will show it to you… it will leave you shaking your head in disbelief.
Ever get to The Back and BOTH your hands are occupied controlling your opponent so you can’t attack a submission?
This BACK Module is jam packed with HUGE keys to control and submission that are all too often overlooked or just plain not taught.
Another example of what you’ll discover is… How to SQUEEZE the neck so even if your opponent is defending with both HANDS and CHIN they’ll Pass Out anyway. And you’ll still be fresh and your arms won’t be tired.
The real power in your back control game comes from being able to efficiently and successfully ESCAPE the back.
I’m so excited to be able to share what was considered TOP SECRET information never to leave the Rickson’s Academy and I’m sharing it only with members of Hidden Jiu-Jitsu. – Henry Akins
Ever go for a submission from The Back and your opponent escapes because you opened up too much??
With Henry’s Hidden Jiu Jitsu “The Back System” you’ll FINISH from The Back at least 10x more than you currently do….This will be the LAST Back Escapes instruction you’ll EVER need….
“Hey guys I want to give Henry a little testimonial and some reflections from my weekend while I attended his Mastering The Back Seminar this weekend which was held at American Top Team Watertown NY and want to share a few things! Keep in mind I’ve attended some seminars, went to Costa Rica for his Sub Surf week , even hosted Henry for a seminar and I am a subscriber to pretty much all of his content (I still believe Paul Elliott& Dan Hart unlocked secret modules). I own the back module and even the seminar I hosted last year was on back escapes but I chose to attend a seminar. Most would say ehh I already saw that stuff but this is totally untrue. Today was back mount escapes which should have been pretty much a review for me, it wasn’t! Henry still managed to give me some “Jiu-Jitsu Gold”!!! I also saw material with his online content before, he still managed to close the gap and show me where I saw or interpreted something wrong because I got to feel it for the first time.” – Paul Walsh, BJJ Blackbelt
With my Hidden Jiu Jitsu “The Back System” you’ll FINISH from The Back at least 10x more than you currently do
The Back!
This THE most important module Henry has ever filmed! Of all the training modules he’s ever filmed…THE BACK! Is filled with the most HIDDEN details of them all!
The Good Stuff:
- The Back System System includes TWENTY SEVEN videos. There’s tons of value for the money. It’s insane.
- FREE Lifetime Membership Access (special offers, events,bonuses available only to you)
- Special Seminar Discount (attend any of my seminars in the next 12 months and get 10% off tuition)
- Henry answers questions, there’s a facebook group.
- Henry does more seminars than anybody, so this material is MUST HAVE if you attend his seminars.
The Bad Stuff:
- Can’t download the videos to your mobile device or desktop.
- You must login to access this content.
best offer$57
Click the Button Above to Visit Henry Akins Back System Page.
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