How The Triangle Choke Demonstrates Two Very Important Jiujitsu Principles
Are you familiar with EBI yet? If not, you should check it out if you’re into nogi jiujitsu.
In fact, it’s so good, that I subscribed to the UFC fight pass to watch it. But…
The primary reason for subscribing isn’t because of the jiujitsu. No, it’s because of John Danaher and his Death Squad cast of characters who continue to dominate the tournament.
I don’t know when you’ll read this but Gordon Ryan and Gary Tonon (both students of Danaher) can’t seem to lose right now.
Then, when you add Georges St. Pierre (GSP), Eddie Cummings, and Gordon’s prodigy of a kid brother, Nickie Ryan to the list of Danaher students, you’ll quickly come to realize how effective of a coach he is.
It’s no doubt Danaher is an amazing coach. But what makes him truly unique are his insightful Instgram posts. They really pull you in.
If you are looking for a working model of what success looks like in today’s jiujitsu, then look no further than Professor Danaher and his death squad. And pay attention to his instagram. There’s gold in them there posts.
Professor Danaher’s instagram posts offer a World of insight into what makes the whole Death Squad tic.
It’s important to harness the power of his writings, and break them down, like a complicated technique, so we can all benefit.
Read his posts carefully, multiple times. Internalize them and draw clues to apply in your own grappling.
Jiujitsu is about understanding concepts first, before technique. And this man churns out powerful concepts on a regular basis.
Professor Danaher, in one of his latest Instagram Post Writes:
Sankaku/Triangle: Jiu Jitsu is about using a large percentage of our strength against a small percentage of our opponent’s strength at a vulnerable point of his body.
No move exemplifies this sentiment better than sankaku – the triangle.
In all its many variations it uses the strongest part of our body – the legs and hips – to isolate a weak part of an opponent – the neck and a single arm – in order to strangle or armlock him.
As such it a big part of our approach to the sport.
As a coach I use sankaku as a crucial measurement of a beginner students progress – the day I see a student consistently and persistently entering into and looking to finish with triangles, I know he or she is on the right path and making good progress.
It shows me clearly that they are using their legs as the forefront of their attacks and are developing the leg dexterity and movement skills that will enhance their game overall.
Here, Garry Tonon shows superb leg and hip work to lock on a devastating sankaku attack on his way to a record fifth EBI title in LA (see instagram for the photo).